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Date: Wed, 27 Jul 94 01:16 PDT
From: bjorke@pixar.com (Kevin Bjorke)
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: I didn't go to SIGGRAPH...
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..but I'm not *completely* out of touch.
NewTek's LightWave 3D Goes Multi-platform
$995 for Amiga, SGI, or Windows PCs
Orlando, Florida. July 25, 1994
NewTek Inc, creator of the popular Video Toaster desktop video system, today
announced that LightWave 3D, the award winning 3D graphics package previously
available only as part of the Toaster, will be released as a standalone
package for Windows, Windows NT, SGI, and Amiga systems. LightWave 3D v4.0
will be priced at $995.95 on all platforms. Owners of the current standalone
version, LightWave 3.5 for the Amiga, will be able to upgrade to version 4.0
on the platform of their choice for $149.95. NewTek also plans on having
competitive upgrade pricing for users of other comparable 3D packages.
LightWave currently has one of the largest user bases of any 3D packages, with
tens of thousands of systems in place today. It's been used on TV shows like
seaQuest DSV, Babylon 5, Star Trek : The Next Generation, Robocop, Viper,
Unsolved Mysteries, and Weird Science to produce the final special effects
shown on air. Babylon 5 won an Emmy last year for its LightWave produced
graphics, and the Video Toaster also won an Emmy, due in part to its
LightWave 3D system.
"We're going to shake up the industry by pricing LightWave as aggressively
as we can, but we've shaken up industries before," said NewTek President
Tim Jenison. "LightWave has already proven that a 3D system doesn't need
an inflated price tag to be taken seriously. Nobody has higher standards
than the special effects wizards in Hollywood. They've chosen LightWave
because of its powerful feature set, unparalleled user interface, and
flexible, top-notch output quality. "
LightWave 4.0 includes a number of new features, including inverse kinematics
for character animation. There will also be a new plug in filter system that
will allow users to add features like real world physics or advanced animation
features. LightWave Modeler will also feature multiple undo and redo, and
Metaform, which allows simple creation of organic and aerodynamic objects.
LightWave will offer the same basic feature set on all platforms as well as
full cross-compatibility. This will allow users to bring scenes, objects,
textures and other LightWave files from one platform to another, such their
home-based Amiga or PC to the SGI they use at work. "One of the things our
customers love about LightWave is its easy-to-use interface," says LightWave
Product Manager Brad Peebler. "Cross-platform compatibility means that a user
can sit down at any computer and know how to operate LightWave."
This compatibility also means instant-access with the large body of
third-party products already available for LightWave 3D, which has the
immediate benefit of expanded opportunities for developers. A prime example
is Viewpoint Datalabs International, Inc., a leading distributor of high
quality three dimensional objects. "Our company has always supported
LightWave 3D," said John Wright, President of Viewpoint Datalabs. "We're
excited about expansion across multiple platforms."
NewTek also stressed that had no plans to stop development or support of
any of their Amiga products in the foreseeable future. "The majority of
our user base currently uses Amigas, and many users prefer it for desktop
video and graphics applications," said Jenison. "However, users on other
platforms wanted LightWave's power on their machines, and we wanted to have
LightWave's keep its position as the professional standard in 3D graphics"
Rexx on SGI? Lightwave & RenderMan? DATES? Anyone? And what about the PPC?
Kevin Bjorke | If you draw a picture, and then draw more and
Animation Scientist | more pictures, and put them on TV, then dino-
Hi Tech Toons | saurs will turn into birds! - Rebecca